Get Involved

Interested in becoming more involved in your community?
Need volunteer hours for credit towards your graduation?
Wish that there was something you could do to help make a positive change?
Have you ever thought about becoming a volunteer with Fell’s Point Main Street?
Fell’s Point Main Street needs your help to make a positive change in Fell’s Point. Our area of focus is the urban renewal district surrounding Fell’s Point and we need businesses and interested parties to consider pitching in to make a difference in the economic well-being of the area.
Unlike many other groups or non-profit organizations, Fell’s Point Main Street is a completely volunteer-driven organization dedicated to helping reshape and stabilize the economic structure of Fell’s Point. If you own a business in Fell’s Point, or you can see the vision that the businesses around your house or property will influence the value of your property, we encourage you to help lend a hand in the efforts of the Fell’s Point community to reshape itself economically.
Volunteers are an integral part of Fell’s Point Main Street’s efforts in organizing annual events such as Small Business Saturday and our Holiday Happenings.
Become a volunteer, help your neighborhood, help your business, and take part in shaping the future of this amazing community.
Contact us for information and opportunities!
As a non-profit organization, Fell’s Point Main Street depends on the continued support of our friends and neighbors in order to carry out our mission.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Fell’s Point Main Street, you can make a secure credit card payment via the form below or you can also send a check, payable to Fell’s Point Main Street to:
Fells Point Main Street, Inc.
P.O. Box 38245
Baltimore, MD 21231
We thank you in advance for your generous donation and your support!